Penda Health

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Penda in X-ray, Ultrasound Services deal

Penda Health has partnered with Phil- lips Foundation to provide X-ray and ultrasound services to clients at its Kimathi Street Branch. Nairobi. The branch serves as an in-network referral centre for Penda patients who need more specialised services. Penda Health chief operating officer, Karim Moldeina said the aim is to bring provide quality healthcare to the low to mid income level patients. "We intend to work together with Philips Foundation towards more cooperation as we venture into the future in line with our goals," he said.

Other specialist services offered in the Kimathi Street branch are physician. gynecologist. pediatrician consultations. dental services. advanced ultrasound, and advanced diagnostics and lab tests. Penda offers outpatient healthcare service to over 250,000 yearly.

"We believe that with this collaboration. which helps to overcome the obstacle to cover for investments in equipment up front. we can help enable Penda to fulfill its ambition to grow the number of hubs and spokes," Phillips Foundation Director Margot Cooijmans said.. – Lynet Igadwah