Penda is a licensed medical provider offering affordable, high-quality care. By submitting this form, you consent to receive medical services and necessary procedures for diagnosis and treatment. You also agree to Penda collecting and processing your data for the following legitimate purposes:
Data Storage: We securely store your medical records to give you continuity and quality of care.
Use of Non-clinical Data: We use wait-time data and other anonymized statistics to make our processes better and faster.
Anonymized Data for Quality & Research:We use your anonymized data to improve the care we deliver and may use it for research. As part of this work, we may also share unidentifiable, grouped data with partners to improve health outcomes and enhance our clinical decision support systems. No identifying details about you are ever disclosed.
Insurance & Business Essentials: If your insurer needs details to process payment, we’ll share the relevant information—nothing more.
Regulatory Requirements: Certain illnesses must be reported to the Ministry of Health if required by law.
Communications: We’d love to check in on your recovery (e.g., blood pressure follow-up), ask for feedback, or share specific things that could improve your health via WhatsApp and follow-up calls. You may opt out either by clicking the opt-out links present in communications; or by sending the word “STOP” via WhatsApp through the number 254 020 7640471); emailing or calling us on 254 020 7909045.
In this Patient Data Consent Form, we seek your consent to perform the purposes highlighted above.
Follow-up Post-consultation
We would like to seek your consent to use your personal information to follow up with you after the patient’s consultation...
Purpose of Follow-Up:
To monitor the patient’s recovery and address any concerns.
To provide additional information or clarify instructions.
To gather information about your experience with our services.
Follow-up contact will typically occur within 8 days of the patient’s consultation to ensure it aligns with your recovery timeline.
Methods of Communication:
We may contact you through phone calls, text messages, messaging services (including e.g., WhatsApp), or email, based on the contact preferences you have provided.
Your Rights:
You have the right to decline follow-up communications at any time. Opting out of these communications will not affect your ability to receive care in the future. You may opt out either by clicking the opt out links present in communications; or sending the word “STOP” via Whatsapp through the number 254 020 7640471; emailing or calling us on 254 020 7909045.
Data Usage:
The patient’s personal information and your responses to follow-up inquiries will be used for the purposes stated above.
Feedback and Improvement:
Your input during follow-up may help us identify areas for improvement in our services and ensure that other patients receive the highest quality care.
Use of Data For Research Puposes
We invite you to consent to the use of your personal data for research purposes aimed at improving healthcare services and outcomes.
No additional requirements: Consenting to your use of data for research in this consent form will have no effects on the care the patient will receive; the patient will continue to receive care from Penda in the same way that you are expecting
How we will carry out research under this form:
Types of research we seek to carry out:
We believe that Penda is capable of doing important research about how primary care can be delivered in settings around the world, especially in ways that are enabled by technology. We hope that doing this research will help us deliver better care to you or the patient and help other organizations like us deliver better care to other people. Examples of research that we may be interested in carrying out include:
We often make improvements to our electronic health record to help clinicians deliver better care. We would like to study how that affects patient care.
We are interested in studying the patterns of diseases and patient outcomes in our clinics (epidemiological studies), which can help us understand health trends and inform public health interventions.
We are also interested in carrying out operational studies, where we study how changes in day to day processes (like appointment scheduling and booking) affects how we can deliver high quality patient care.
De-identified data: The data used for research under this consent form will always be de-identified, to help protect patient privacy. If we ever seek to conduct research that requires identified data, we will seek your explicit, written consent separately.
Ethical oversight: All research conducted using your data will adhere to ethical guidelines and undergo review and approval by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or an equivalent ethics committee. Based on this Patient Data Consent, we will only conduct research where only de-identified data is used, and where an Institutional Review Board (IRB) determines that it is appropriate to waive explicit patient consent for the specific research study being carried out. This does not apply to non-research quality improvement studies for which IRB review would not ordinarily be required.
Partners: In some cases, research may involve collaboration with academic institutions, healthcare organizations, or technology partners. Any shared data will be de-identified, and will always be processed under strict confidentiality agreements.
Data protection and processes:
The data used for research under this consent form will always be used in a manner that protects your privacy and complies with legal and ethical standards, in line with your rights as a data subject as listed in the Data Protection Act and in our Data Notice.
Even de-identified information will only be used with strict access controls and safeguards as listed in section 4 of the Data Notice that details how we protect your personal information.
All of the data protections and safeguards listed in the Penda Patient Data Notice also apply here.
Possible risks:
There is no change to standard patient care processes, no additional tests, and no physical procedures as part of this research.
The main risk is potential discomfort or harms related to knowing that your data is being used in research. However, the study is designed to protect your privacy. All data will be de-identified before analysis, so no individual is linked to specific findings.
Possible benefits to you:
Insights gained from research may directly improve the quality of care provided to the patient and others in the future by improving Penda’s care processes.
You will be informed of any significant findings from research that may impact the patient’s health or treatment options, where applicable.
There is no compensation for opting in to the use of data for this research.
Sharing of results:
Any results shared from the research conduct will be aggregated findings, to ensure that no personal information is shared further
We may share findings from our research by publishing it in peer-reviewed journals, presenting it at conferences, and discussing it with other experts
Refusal to participate and withdrawal:
You may withdraw from research-related data usage at any time by contacting Penda Health at 254 020 7909045, sending the word “STOP” via Whatsapp through the number 0207640471, or emailing us via
You can decline to participate or withdraw your consent at any time without any penalties, and without affecting any benefits such as the care you receive from Penda
If you withdraw your participation, we will withdraw your data from all research studies where it is possible to do so. Note that we will not be able to withdraw your data from studies more than two weeks after the data collection for that given study ends; after this period, your data will have been fully processed and anonymized, and it will not be possible to remove it.
For any questions about use of data or about particular research studies Penda is undertaking, please contact Dr. Robert Korom, Chief Medical Officer, Penda Health, at or at 254 020 7909045. If you have questions about your rights as a study subject, you may contact Dr. Korom, who will share with you the contact information of the relevant IRB to whom you can ask questions.
With your consent, your personal data may be used to inform you of services that may benefit the patient. For example, if you (as an adult) are at risk of high blood pressure, we may use your contact information to inform you about blood pressure clinics that we are running.
Patient Benefits: These services may directly benefit the health of the patient.
Your Rights:
You have the right to decline follow-up communications at any time. Opting out of these communications will not affect the patient’s ability to receive care in the future.
You may opt out either by clicking the opt out links present in communications; stating in an email, phone call, or text message interaction that you would like to opt out); or contacting or call us on 254 020 7909045
Acknowledgement and Consent
I confirm that I have read this consent form or it has been read to me. I have had the opportunity to ask questions about it and any questions I have asked have been answered to my satisfaction.
By submitting data below, I consent voluntarily to the use of my data as described above. I understand that I have the right to withdraw this particular consent at any time by contacting Penda Health at 254 020 7909045 or at